6 – Restaurando elementos en Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2.0. 5 – Creando trabajos de copia en Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2.0. 4 – Configuración inicial de Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2.0. 3 – Instalación paso a paso de Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 v2.0. 2 – Componentes lógicos de Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365 2.0.
1 – Razones para proteger nuestra información en Microsoft Office 365.
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First time installing? Use the latest 64-bit platform where possible on your new systems. Zimbra Collaboration server downloads are intended for administrators and developers. By moving to OSI-approved licenses, Zimbra hopes to increase contributions from the open source community and increase compatibility with other open source projects, so that customers, partners, and end users receive greater benefit from integration across the open source software ecosystem. Versions prior to version 8.5 will remain under the Zimbra Public License 1.4. The Zimbra Open License Community Zimlets Code is released under the Common Public Attribution License, version 1.0 (CPAL v.1). The Zimbra Open Source Edition Server Code is released under GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL v.2). The Zimbra Open Source Edition Web Client Code is released under the Common Public Attribution License, version 1.0 (CPAL v.1). With the release of Zimbra Collaboration 8.5, Zimbra officially moved to Open Source Initiative-approved licenses. Special Note: Zimbra made key changes to its open source software licensing to build an even stronger foundation for community-powered innovation.